TRAIN - Open Science

As a project within the larger EUTOPIA alliance of European Universities, TRAIN (TRAnsforming Innovation & Research) has multiple work axes. The third one is focused on Open Science.

Open Science

Open Science is the only way to perform science and advance knowledge in the 21st century. The current approach of the scientific community to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic is clearly illustrating this need. However, it will require a paradigm shift from the current scientific modus operandi with closed and inaccessible knowledge and networks to a new way of working with open knowledge and collaborative networks. Importantly, this is the best guarantee to have science as a ‘public good’, which is necessary to address the big challenges of our 21st century: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and the European Green Deal.

The European University EUTOPIA2050 has the ambition to become a university of the 21st century: open, collaborative and impactful. The three main goals are: 

  • To mainstream comprehensive and critical Open Science practices in each of the EUTOPIA partner universities by developing courses (WP3.1) and realising new metrics (WP3.3)
  • To lead by example by implementing Open Science across the EUTOPIA alliance (WP3.2) 
  • To increase impact by increasing the channels for societal outreach, with a focus on Citizen Science as an enabler of Open Science (WP3.4) 

As a result, the paradigm shift towards Open and Collaborative Science, can be accomplished. Moreover, this will further stimulate and support researchers in addressing societal challenges.

Zenodo helps researchers receive credit by making the research results citable and through OpenAIRE integrates them into existing reporting lines to funding agencies like the European Commission. Citation information is also passed to DataCite and onto the scholarly aggregators.

EUTOPIA opened a Zenodo community and an OpenAire network account thanks to the EUTOPIA TRAIN initiative.