EUTOPIA Research Portals

Last update: September 2024
  • Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca

  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    • Research Portal search for ongoing research projects, research outputs (including OA publications), bios of researchers/teams, prizes, activities, students theses, press/media, impacts

  • Ca' Foscari University of Venice

  • CY Cergy Paris University 

    • Open Archive collects, preserves, promotes, and spreads the scientific production of researchers 

    • Comprehensive list of CY's Research Units.

  • Technische Universität Dresden

    • FIS on-line search

  • University of Gothenburg 

    • Search among the University's research groups, research projects and research stories

  • University of Ljubljana 

    • SICRIS UL Slovenia Current Research Information System

    • COBISS personal bibliographies of researchers

  • NOVA University Lisbon 

    • Research Portal search for research units, research profiles, research output, prizes, activities, press/media

  • Pompeu Fabra University-Barcelona

    • Scientific Output (research projects, publications, congresses, directed thesis, and other academic and research activities) 

    • Digital Repository of intellectual output that results from academic and research activity 

  • The University of Warwick 

    • WRAP Warwick Research Archive Portal (replacement foreseen in 2022)