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NOTA BENE: the EUTOPIA TRAIN project is closed since December 2023
EUTOPIA-TRAIN (2020-2023 co-funded by Horizon 2020 SwafS) was an ambitious research initiative committed to creating a challenge-driven knowledge-creation community that capitalised on the EUTOPIA partners' joint potential to promote innovation and societal impact. This programme, which aimed to extend EUTOPIA's challenge-led model to the development of its Research and Innovation (R&I) activities, tackled two main challenges :
- Integrate pan-EUTOPIA R&I Communities.
- Open up EUTOPIA research communities to society, businesses, students, and policy-makers.
To this end, three cross-cutting objectives were targeted:
- Developing R&I synergies and delivering a joint Research Strategy
- Mutualising resources and tools
- Defining a shared R&I policy.
These objectives were implemented across six working packages.
EUTOPIA TRAIN built up EUTOPIA research capacity in human and technical resources, disseminated and co-created policies for European Universities and contributed to developing EU R&I performance.
On July 24, 2020, the EUTOPIA-TRAIN initiative was awarded funding under the Horizon 2020 call Support for the Research and Innovation Dimension of European Universities (SwafS).
EUTOPIA-TRAIN sponsored academic innovation with societal impact: it aimed to integrate pan-EUTOPIA research and innovation communities and structures and open them to society, businesses, students, and policymakers. The project intended to link the research communities of EUTOPIA with the local and international needs of multiple stakeholders at the three levels of the formulation of research agendas, their execution, and the dissemination of results.
EUTOPIA-TRAIN gave a clear frame to the goal set by the EUTOPIA universities to mutualise resources and tools and to define a shared Research and Innovation Policy. Objectives were to boost the research capacity of the six initial universities of the Alliance in both human and technical resources and contribute to the development of the EU R&I performance. The idea was to generate a cross-institutional strategy based on joint governance and common management structures. Among other actions, the project included an open access metadata portal, a common human resources strategy and roadmap, and the creation of EUTOPIA grants and a legal and innovation office.
For detailed information about the EUTOPIA TRAIN initiative, click here.
The European Commission has published the Marie Sklodowska Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 Call and EUTOPIA European University has started spreading the word to attract the best international research talent!
EUTOPIA researchers are based in Vrije Universiteit Brussel, CY Cergy Paris University, University of Gothenburg, University of Ljubljana, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, and the University of Warwick.
What is a MSCA? Interested in applying to this year’s Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship? Now it’s a good time to start preparing your proposal. More information about the MSCA-PF Call 2021 will be soon published on the European Commission Funding and Tenders Portal.
Who can apply? MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are for excellent researchers with a PhD degree and less than 8 years of research experience. You should not have carried out your main activity in the country of the hosting university for more than 12 months in the 3 years before the call deadline.
How to Apply? You can use the new MSCA Partnering Tool to find a suitable supervisor in one EUTOPIA university and send in your expression of interest before 30 June 2021. Click here to download the application form.